Hello, hello, hello everyone!

Yes, look who is back from the dead! ;-) I'm still around guys---and gals. I may not have blogged in a loooong while, but it didn’t stop me from reading your comments and even responding to some of you over on Wattpad. I had every intention of releasing book #3 in the Legend of the Firewalker series, but for now, all I can say is, “life doesn’t always go as planned.” I will go into more detail about the status of the book and where I’ve been in my next blog post. Today, however, I wanted to share the good news with the Fantasy and Supernatural Teen and Young Adult readers over in India.
Thanks to my partnership with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP Select), the eBook for book #1 in the series is now free for India readers. This week you can also buy the paperback for book #1 for 17% off!
Click here to head on over to Amazon India to read eBook #1 (
Free to India Readers on Kindle Devices)
So, that’s all I have for now. Thanks again to all those who continued to read the books even though book #3 had not been released! And to all the new readers over on Wattpad, keep the comments and feedback coming!
Click here to check out the Legend of the Firewalker on Wattpad
Happy Reading!