I know the Legend of Hercules was released a while ago, January 10, 2014 to be exact, but I figured I would go ahead and give my two cents on the movie.

I did notice the enthusiasm from the women in the audience as they cheered on Hercules, actor Kellan Lutz. I don’t know if they were just die-hard Twilight fans, but it was obvious they enjoyed the movie more than I did. Also, I would like to note that Lutz reminded me a lot of Chris Hemsworth in this movie. I guess the blonde hair and similarities in build made them interchangeable…minus the long hair of course.
Overall, I give the Legend of Hercules 2 out of 5 stars.
Thor: The Dark World received an early digital release and is now available for download through Apple iTunes. In another review, I gave Thor: The Dark World 4 out of 5 stars.
This one seems more fun than the other Hercules movie that was out this year, but I'm bias for The Rock. Great review!