Friday, May 9, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review & Book # 2 Update!

Hello everyone!

Before I start my review on the Amazing Spider-Man 2, I want to say thank you to all those who have taken the time to leave a review on Amazon; I really do appreciate it! Next week, I will be releasing the first chapter in book #2 of the Legend of the Firewalker series and the first chapter is entitled "Failure".

Also, those who have signed up to the email list will receive a few extra chapters. I haven't decided on the number of chapters yet, probably chapters 1-3, but that's just one of the perks for signing up! ;)

So, on to the review! The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was entertaining and I think the following numbered list will summarize my thoughts best:

#1 The Love Story (5 Stars, and I'm an Action Movie Guy)
#2 The Parker Family (5 Stars. Aunt May aka Sally Field; Need I Say More!)
#3 Electro (5 Stars. Jamie Foxx, you are scary!)
#4 Harry Osborn (3 stars. Dare I Say It...I liked James Franco Better.)
#5 New York City (5 stars. Loved it!!)
#6 Shocking Ending (4 spoiler here.)

So overall, if you average the above and add another 3.5 stars for movie length because it was so long ( a run-time of 2 hours and 22 minutes) the Amazing Spider-Man 2 earned from me 4.4 stars.

Also, check out the new trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past that debuted with the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. I will definitely be watching it when it hits theaters on May 23, 2014.

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