I enjoyed spending time with family and friends and after many conversations, I discovered there are a lot of would be writers out there. I received good feedback about The Legend of the Firewalker and I was surprised by how many family and friends have actually read the book…yay! Usually after answering questions about the series and what’s next for the characters, the most commonly asked question I got asked was for tips for those tinkering around with the idea of writing.
I am no authority on this subject; however, having just published my first novel and soon to be releasing my second, the best advice that I can give is to write. The more you write the better you become and during that time a wonderful thing will happen; you will discover your voice!
I encourage those who write or that "tinker" around with writing to finish those short stories or book ideas that are piling up on your computer. Finish those stories from beginning to end and you will discover your voice or writing style. You will discover over time that you spend less time thinking about your writing skills and more time on telling a good story.
Another tip, write what you like! If you love books that are fast-paced and descriptive then write that. If you like books in which the main character or characters don’t escape peril easily then write stories that reflect that. Write for you first and for that audience that enjoys the same things that you do.
Stephen King explained during a lecture at Yale that if you read enough, there’s this magic moment which will always come to you if you want to be a writer. It’s the moment when you put down some book and say, "This really sucks...I can do better than this..."
And then I say, go ahead and do better and write!
Best wishes and have a fantastic 2014!!
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