Happy Friday! Before I get into my review, do you want to know what book #2 in the Legend of the Firewalker series is about? I am pleased to announce that the book description for the Legend of the Firewalker : Drawing Bloodlines is now available. Please click here to read it!
Now, on to the review! Captain America: The Winter Soldier was nicely done and it's a good follow-up to the first movie. I have to admit that I own Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) on Blu-ray and it puts me to sleep every time. The Winter Soldier is much better however, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
There were definitely some game changers in this film, and I am curious to see how they will affect the story-line in the Avengers franchise.
The movie received a 90% favorable rating from critics on RottenTomatoes.com and 95% of the audience liked it. If you enjoy fantasy, superhero movies I highly recommend it. I give Captain America: The Winter Soldier 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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